The Nutrition Education Program (NEP) provides individuals, families and communities with the knowledge and skills that empower them to make informed choices about healthy diets, efficiently manage food resources, and reduce the risks of chronic diseases and foodborne illness. The education provided draws upon nutrition recommendations presented in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA’s MyPlate. Extension educators target consumers and families, municipal employees, food handlers, low-income and high-risk individuals, the elderly and agencies that serve these populations.

Our Programs


Extension Food Safety and Nutrition Educators conduct SERVSAFE® courses for both first-time food safety certification and recertification.

person accepting food at food pantry.

Food Access and Resources

Nutrition Educators visit County food pantries to show low income individuals and families how to utilize pantry available foods in healthy recipes.

Adult Nutrition Education

A variety of nutrition education programs such as workshops and cooking demos, are available and can be customized for an adult audience.

Preschool Nutrition Education

Healthy snack ideas and fun activities to incorporate into lessons in the early childhood setting.

School-Age Nutrition Education

In response to mandated policies, a variety of programs are available to assist schools in providing nutrition education to youth.

Food Safety in the Home

We provides education to consumers to support healthy and safe food at home with recommendations and techniques.

Food Safety for Food Service

We ensure a safe food supply while reducing foodborne illness risks by teaching proper sanitation and food-handling practices.


From fruit crisps to colorful quesadillas, our recipes are not only good for you, they taste good, and are low-cost and easy to prepare.

Buy Fresh Buy Local

Buy Fresh Buy Local Cape Cod is a program that makes it easy for consumers to buy fresh, local food from businesses in the region.

About Us

The Nutrition Education Program (NEP) provides individuals, families and communities with the knowledge and skills that empower them to make informed choices about healthy diets, efficiently manage food resources, and reduce the risks of chronic diseases and foodborne illness. The education provided draws upon nutrition recommendations presented in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and USDA’s MyPlate food guidance. Extension educators target consumers and families, municipal employees, food handlers, low-income and high-risk individuals, older adults and agencies that serve these populations.

SNAP-Ed is a federally funded initiative, providing education and information about healthful eating to individuals and families who receive or are eligible to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (formerly known as food stamps). Preschool and school age projects, cooking demonstrations and displays for food pantries and transitional assistance offices, programs at senior centers, and educational newsletters are examples of current programming for Barnstable County.

SNAP-Ed materials have been developed and provided by the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program with funding from USDA’S Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps low-income people buy the food they need for good health. It can help you to buy nutritious food and stretch your food dollars. For more information, call 1-866-950-3663.

UMass Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer, United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Contact your local Extension office for information on disability accommodations or the UMass Extension Director if you have complaints related to discrimination, 413-545-4800.

Sue Bourque, RD, LDN Extension Educator, Nutrition and Food Safety

Kimberly Concra, LDN Extension Educator, Nutrition and Food Safety

Andrea Marczely Food Access Coordinator

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