Barnstable County Department of Human Services
Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services plans, develops and coordinates regional solutions to Cape Cod’s most pressing health and human service issues. We foster and support collaborative initiatives with data analysis, strategic planning, and investment of county, state and federal resources. Our current initiatives include convening key stakeholders to address substance use, homelessness, and chronic disease. In addition, we compile and disseminate regional human service information and resources. Our goal is to create a “Healthy Connected Cape Cod”.
Announcement of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Funding

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced the 2024 Continuum of Care (CoC) awards. The Cape and Islands CoC received $2.7 million dollars in funding (a nearly 10% increase from FY23) to aid efforts by nonprofit and government providers to quickly rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness, while providing support to minimize the trauma often associated with displacement.
As the lead entity for the Cape and Islands CoC, the Department of Human Services is responsible for submission of an annual Consolidated Application. Grantees include Barnstable County, Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC), Catholic Charities of Fall River, Duffy Health Center, the MA Department of Mental Health, Sandwich Housing Authority, and Independence House. Funding through the CoC program provides permanent supportive housing for 108 chronically homeless individuals on the Cape and Islands and covers administrative and operational costs.
“This award allows our Region to continue to provide critical services to those most in need,” said Joseph Pacheco, Barnstable County’s Director of Human Services. “We appreciate our collaboration both with HUD and our community partners and are eager to put this award to work for our community.”
Nationally, HUD announced over $3.6 billion in funding, which represents the largest-ever amount of Continuum of Care program funding awarded to communities to address homelessness in history and provides a critical expansion of resources at a time when rates of homelessness are rising in most communities.
The list of grantees and funded projects for Massachusetts can be found at CoC 2024 Massachusetts ( Funding for all states and territories can be found at
Click the links below to view applications submitted to HUD in October of 2024:
FY2024 MA-503 CoC Priority Listing
FY2024 MA-503 CoC Collaborative Application