Public Health Nurse
The Barnstable County Public Health Nursing Division, located within the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment, offers a wide variety of health-related activities and services to Barnstable County residents. Our professional nursing staff directs efforts toward educating people about health issues, investigating health problems, providing immunizations, and engaging in community partnerships to identify and solve health problems.
The Division’s Public Immunization Program is one of our most utilized services. It provides a cost effective, convenient option to anyone seeking vaccination, including those without insurance. Due to capacity issues at many local pediatric practices, we provide childhood immunizations for families that might not otherwise be able to access to them. The Program also offers all travel vaccines and is listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s travel clinic website.
Community Health Newsletter
Wicked Wellness
Our Public Health Nursing team is excited to introduce Wicked Wellness, a monthly flyer inspired by relevant health awareness themes! Each edition discusses an important health topic, with helpful exercise tips and simple yet delicious recipes using local, in-season ingredients.
Our September issue focuses on Healthy Aging Month and Metabolic Syndrome as a risk factor for chronic disease. Check it out!
Public Health Nursing Programs and Services
The Barnstable County Public Health Nursing Division offers all immunizations, including flu vaccine, to County residents.
Who is this program available to?
How much do the vaccines cost?
Barnstable County participates in the federal Vaccine for Children program, which allows uninsured children under the age of 18 to receive free immunizations. For those who are uninsured, state supplied vaccine is available.
What vaccines are available?
We offer the following vaccines:
- Influenza (Flu) – regular & high dose
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Meningococcal
- Pneumonia
- Rabies (pre-exposure)
- Shingles – Shingrix
- TDap
- Tetanus
- Varicella
In addition, we also offer the following “travel” vaccines:
- Typhoid
- Yellow Fever
How do I get an appointment?
Appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am to 4:00pm. To schedule an appointment, call 508-375-6617.

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. Not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. As a result, two TB-related conditions exist: latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB disease. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.
The TB skin test, also known as the Mantoux tuberculin skin test, is the most common way to diagnose tuberculosis. A tiny amount of fluid called tuberculin is injected just below the skin in your forearm. It contains inactive TB protein. It takes approximately two to three days for a reaction, if any, to occur.
Our nurses are trained to administer and read TB skin tests. Call (508) 375-6617 to schedule an appointment for a skin test and subsequent read.
For more information on TB, visit Basic TB Facts.

Schools, fire and police departments, and long-term care facilities may contact the Public Health Nursing Division to schedule a flu clinic during flu season. Nurses coordinate registration and perform vaccinations on site. A link for participants to pre-register online is provided.
*Minimum of 25 flu shots per clinic.

The ‘Ask a Public Health Nurse’ program, in collaboration with the regional Hunger Network and the Barnstable County Extension, continues to provide food pantry clients the opportunity (twice a month) to have basic health screenings (blood pressure and blood sugar), ask any health-related questions, get information about health-related resources, and have access to health-related literature. Clients may access this service before or after they receive their groceries. There is no fee or charges for the ‘Ask a Public Health Nurse’ program, to the clients or the food pantry.

In conjunction with local housing authorities, health screenings are offered free of charge to residents of subsidized housing at the housing location. Screenings include blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, glucose, HDL, bone density, skin analysis, and hearing. We also provide a nutritionist and access to various other human services organizations.

Tick populations are abundant on Cape Cod, putting residents and visitors at risk for any one of the various diseases ticks carry. Our goal is to intensify awareness about ticks; what they look like, their preferred habitats, how to perform a tick-check, and prevention strategies for avoiding bites.
The Division offers free 30-minute educational tick & Lyme awareness presentations to Cape Cod schools and community groups that are specifically tailored to the audience and age group.
Helpful Links
Personal Protection:
- Tick Fact Sheet >>>
- Repellent Fact Sheet >>>
- The Most Effective Bug Sprays to Keep Mosquitoes and Ticks Away >>>
- Preventing Tickborne Diseases Portuguese >>>
- Don’t Let One Bite Change Your Life >>>
- What to Do If You Find a Tick on You OR You Have Any of the Following Symptoms >>>
Pet Protection:
Support Groups/Task Force:
Yard Protection:

Cape Cod is known to have one of the highest skin cancer rates in the United States, with plentiful beaches and outdoor recreation opportunities, not to mention over 50 tanning beds.
The Public Health Nursing Division offers sun safety and skin cancer awareness programs to all age groups across the region. Our UV Skin Analyzer allows the user to view invisible UV damage to their skin from sun exposure. This tool is often requested by schools prior to prom season to raise awareness regarding the dangers of indoor tanning.

In cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) and local boards of health throughout the County, the Division holds access to the MA Virtual Epidemiological Network (MAVEN). This allows the County Public Health Nurse to view and monitor case numbers of infectious diseases in real-time. Local boards of health in any of the County’s 15 towns can request this service, which helps to identify and address trends in commonly reported diseases.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Health Nursing Division was tasked with distribution of Covid-19 vaccines starting in January of 2021. There was a total of 120 clinics in the first 23 weeks of the year, averaging five clinics and 1,658 vaccines administered per week. Large drive-thru clinics were held in four locations, providing administration of 12,244 immunizations. In the spring of 2021, the clinics were moved indoors to the Cape Cod Community College gymnasium, allowing for the successful vaccination of 21,930 individuals. In addition, four large indoor clinics held at the Orleans Council on Aging, Yarmouth Public Safety, the County Complex, and the Cape Cod mall provided vaccinations for 2,042 people. School clinics yielded 1,914 immunizations.

In collaboration with the Municipal Health Group, we offer health screenings to all municipal employees. This includes blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, and HDL testing, skin analysis, hearing test, and bone density screenings. All screenings are accompanied by corresponding literature and health counseling by nurses.

We offer free health and wellness fairs to any nonprofit community group on Cape Cod. Applicable literature, services, and materials are tailored to the age groups and demographics of the audience. We also provide health screenings and important information regarding preventative care.

CARE: Community Access to Resources and Education
The CARE Guide summarizes local resources by service type and aligns with the existing web-based Network of Care Service Directory, which was developed by the Barnstable County Department of Human Services. The online directory offers a comprehensive database of local health and human services for individuals, families, and agencies on Cape Cod, and includes resources on aging, mental health, crisis services, disability, disease prevention and treatment, emergency planning, housing and homelessness, substance use, and basic needs.
The Care Line is for anyone who needs extra assistance navigating the CARE Guide, Network of Care, Service Directory, or other online resources via telephone. Callers to the CARE line will be prompted to leave a voicemail describing their question or need. The voicemail will be monitored by our Public Health Resource Coordinators. Voicemail messages will be answered within 24 hours, Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Messages left on weekends and holidays will be addressed on the next business day.
Call the CARE Line at (774) 330-3001
Email us at CARE@capecod.gov
Click HERE to access the CARE Guide (Web Version) >>>
Click HERE to download the CARE Guide (PDF) >>>