HOME Investment Partnership Program
The HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) is a federally funded formula grant program provided to state and local governments designed exclusively for the creation and preservation of affordable housing for low-income households. The Barnstable County HOME Program in partnership with other state and local funding sources, provides grant funds for the development and preservation of affordable rental housing throughout Barnstable County.
The Barnstable County HOME Consortium [BCHC] is comprised of the 15 communities on Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Orleans, Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, Wellfleet, and Yarmouth. The BCHC was formed to be a Participating Jurisdiction to receive and disburse federal HOME funds. In 2015, Barnstable County designated the Department of Human Services to act as the program’s lead agent, responsible to HUD for all administrative functions related to the operation of the BCHC.
The Barnstable County Home Consortium Advisory Council was established in 1992 in Ordinance 92-3 to advise and make recommendations to the Barnstable County Commissioners regarding the administration and funding of activities to be undertaken by the BCHC. HOME 1992 County Ordinance Advisory Council.
Meetings & Minutes
Below please find folders containing Meeting Agendas, Associated Meeting Documents (if any), and Meeting Minutes for the HOME meetings. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact homeprogram@capecod.gov
Publications and Data
Barnstable County Department of Human Services provides critical documents, resources, and related links relating to the HOME Program. For a repository of synthesized local data in original in-house publications and reports, visit the HOME Publications and Data page.
For more information on the HOME Investment Partnership Program, call Renie Hamman, Program Manager at the Department of Human Services at 508-375-6622 or email homeprogram@capecod.gov.