Health and Human Services Advisory Council
In 2003 the Barnstable County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 03-19 which established the Health and Human Services Advisory Council. The Advisory Council, in conjunction with the Department of Human Services, is responsible for providing advice concerning the human service needs of the residents of Barnstable County. A major purpose of the Advisory Council is to assist in the development of Barnstable County Human Service Plan January 2025 – December 2025 which identifies health and human service needs of Barnstable County in order to prioritize issues for action by County government.
Vision Statement
We envision a Barnstable County in which all residents have equal access to the health care and human services they need regardless of income, geographic location, language, culture, race or ethnic background, age, disability, gender or sexual orientation.
- We envision a Barnstable County in which adequate and appropriate health care and human services are delivered in a coordinated, integrated and respectful manner to all who need them.
- We envision a network of complementary formal and informal services that promotes prevention, seamless and effective referrals, coordinated services, and allows individuals to be full partners in their own lives.
- We envision government (federal, state, county, local) partnering with and supporting the community to more fully develop the continuum of services available to county residents, in order to fulfill this vision.
Adopted 12/18/08
Advisory Council Members
The Barnstable County Health & Human Services Advisory Council (HHSAC) is comprised of representatives and alternates who are appointed by the Barnstable County Commissioners for three-year terms. As shown in the Ordinance, Advisory Council membership is comprised of broad community representation of the major constituencies identified in the Ordinance and at-large categories determined by the Commissioners. To be considered for membership as defined in the Ordinance, a group must be: involved in the area of health and human services; able to inform and provide advice about human services; represent a countywide association, collaborative, network, group or task force working in the areas of health and human services; and not duplicate existing membership categories.
In 2003 the Barnstable County Commissioners adopted HHSAC Ordinance 03-19 which established the Health and Human Services Advisory Council. The Advisory Council, shown in the HHSAC Organization Chart 6-22-18, in conjunction with the Department of Human Services, is responsible for providing advice concerning the human service needs of the residents of Barnstable County. A major purpose of the Advisory Council is to assist in the development of a County Health and Human Services Plan which identifies health and human service needs of Barnstable County in order to prioritize issues for action by County government.
Meetings and Agendas
Below please find folders containing Meeting Agendas, Associated Meeting Documents (if any), and Meeting Minutes for the Health and Human Services Advisory Council Meetings. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact stacie.holmes@capecod.gov
The Health and Human Services Advisory Council meetings are held quarterly on the fourth Thursday of the month from 9:30 – 11:00 AM via REMOTE participation until further notice per Open Meeting Law.
For more information, contact Health and Human Services Advisory Council Chair, Joseph Pacheco, Director of Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services.