Human Rights Academy
Since 2008, the BCHRAC has hosted a biannual Human Rights Academy for Barnstable County students.
The Academy brings together students and teacher advisors from Cape Cod middle, tech, and high schools. Meetings include approximately 150 students from 12-14 schools across Barnstable County. The Academy goals are to increase student awareness of human rights issues, and to encourage student participation in school year projects that promote human rights.
Historically, the Fall Session introduces students to a wide array of human rights issues. The Fall 2023 session focused on “’I’ is for Inclusion,” and the Fall 2022 session focused on Conflict Mediation and Active Listening. The Fall Session also includes time for students to brainstorm together about projects that they and their school community can create to uplift and support human rights.
The Spring Session is devoted to students showcasing their amazing work. Student-led projects over the years have included: peer mediation, Diversity Days, coat/backpack/blood drives, Shelter From the Storm Fundraiser, advocating for legislation, and more. Students share their projects with the wider group through slideshow presentations, songs, skits, film, and interactive demonstrations.
Click below to read the April 28, 2024 Cape Cod Times article “Weathering many storms, kids still trying to make world a better place” written by Lawrence Brown