Animal Hoarding
Animal Hoarding
Animal Hoarding is defined by the presence of large numbers of animals kept in homes and as having the following four main characteristics:
Failure to provide minimal standards of sanitation, space, nutrition, and veterinary care for animals
- Inability to recognize the effects of this failure on the welfare of the animals, human members of the household, and the environment
- Obsessive attempts to accumulate or maintain a collection of animals in the face of progressively deteriorating conditions
- Denial of minimization of problems and living conditions for people and animals
Source: Patronek 1999; Patronek, Loar, & Nathanson, 2006, page 1
- They see themself as a rescuer of these animals
- Just went through a traumatic life event
- Strong emotional attachment to animals
- Get in contact with someone that can help: Local animal control office, police department, animal welfare organization, veterinarian, hoarding task force
- Do not immediately remove animals, could make the situation worse
- Have the individual seek treatment
- Fire hazards
- Toxic gasses can be released from animal feces and urine
- Poor air quality
- Exposure to diseases from animals
- Animals are trapped in unsafe and unsanitary conditions