Flowers for 4-H

We all could use a little more sunshine in our lives this time of year! Planting bright, beautiful flowers in your yard or a shared part of your community is a great way to do that! When you buy flower bulbs using the link below, 50% of profits on every sale will be donated to Barnstable County 4-H to fund community service projects and positive youth development programs. Pick from a variety of bulbs from Dutch Mill Bulbs to plant this spring to bloom in summer.
To Order: Click Barnstable County 4-H at Dutch Mill or enter Dutchmillbulbs.com into your search bar, enter Barnstable County in the search field on the Dutch Mill main page.
Enter shipping and billing information and Friends of Barnstable County 4-H in the organization field.
Wait for your shipment of Dutch Mill Bulbs in the mail.
Thank you for supporting Barnstable County 4-H!
To learn more about 4-H in Barnstable County click here.