Town of Wellfleet Activates Beach Wi-Fi with Assistance from Barnstable County
Since 2012 the Barnstable County IT Department has worked with the Town of Wellfleet to implement and expand a fiber optic network to interconnect its offices. Over the last year, Department staff have assisted the Town in completing another phase of its municipal fiber-optic network by providing design recommendations and technical services to create new connections to the Town’s ocean-facing beaches at LeCount Hollow, White Crest Beach, and Cahoon Hollow.
The Wellfleet Cable Internet and Cellular Service Advisory Committee initiated this phase of the expansion by applying for funding under the State’s Municipal Fiber Grant Program, which the Town was awarded in 2023. The application was focused on resolving public safety issues at these locations by improving network connectivity options for beachgoers and Town employees alike. With consultation and technical services with help from the Barnstable County IT Department, the Town was able to leverage existing investments in network technology and deploy new Wi-Fi equipment to the three beaches in question.