MASSTC Staff Complete 4th Stop on Waste No Water Library Tour
In April, the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (MASSTC) launched their first Waste No Water Library Tour, a 10+ library series to engage the public in over 10 Cape towns, focusing on the wastewater successes and challenges each town faces.
Each stop on the tour offers a showing of the recent Scientific American documentary Yellow Tide that features MASSTC’s efforts. Participants include local boards of health, pond groups, homeowners, water advocates, realtors, landscape companies and members of the public interested in the topic of wastewater, innovative/alternative septic systems and urine diversion.
This week, Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center staff completed their 4th stop on their Waste No Water Library Tour at the Wellfleet Public Library!
One attendee asked how people are expected to handle the increased maintenance needs of an innovative/alternative system when they barely maintain current Title V septic system maintenance and routine pump-outs. “Maintenance will always be key,” said MASSTC Director Brian Baumgaertel. “Which means, we all need to step up to the plate and take better care of our septic systems NOW with the majority of the Cape nowhere near being sewered. Learning habits now will make us better stewards of our future systems.”
Another attendee inquired about how we can better support residents who are taking part in provisional projects (like Shubael Pond or the Falmouth urine diversion project). If they’re doing the legwork and carrying the financial responsibility required to get the projects underway, how can we help? How can we take more risk away from them? In response, it was suggested that perhaps looking at large bids as a town might lower costs significantly.
Finally, Wellfleet’s Board of Health was in attendance and provided a handout on the Wellfleet Targeted Watershed Management Plan (T.W.M.P). Wellfleet has designed an entire landing page on all things septic from maps to new regulations and how they will impact residents.
Interested in joining the MASSTC staff for future library tour dates? See below:
June 8th (World Oceans Day): Hyannis Public Library, 10:30am–11:30am
July 24th: Brewster Ladies Library, 2pm–3pm
August 9th: Cotuit Library, 2pm–3pm
September 9th: Woods Hole Public Library, 6pm–7pm
More library dates to come-stay tuned!
For information about any of these events or how you can get involved, reach out to us here.