Barnstable County Awards ARPA Grants to Yarmouth and Bourne

Information from the Office of the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners and Assembly of Delegates
ARPA funds allocated to the Town of Yarmouth for the Wastewater Infrastructure Design Phase and the Town of Bourne for IT Infrastructure and Modernization for Public Schools
Barnstable County has awarded seven grants to six towns totaling $6,713,682.81
September 21, 2022 (Barnstable, MA) – The Barnstable County Board of Commissioners and Assembly of Delegates today announced the award and execution of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding grants from Barnstable County to the Towns of Yarmouth and Bourne in the amount of $1,149,875.57.
The grant to Yarmouth for $1,042,760.57 will fund the Town of Yarmouth’s Wastewater Infrastructure design phase. The design phase project funding for Wastewater Infrastructure will allow the Town to prepare to start construction on this key project. The project goals are to reduce the impact in designated water sheds with high nitrogen levels.
The grant to Bourne for $107,115.00 will fund IT Infrastructure and Modernization for the Bourne Public Schools. The Public Schools have developed a 3-year strategic IT plan to modernize the existing hardware and software to ensure reliable and secure performance. This funding will support cybersecurity efforts by upgrading the server and storage environment, as well as upgrading outdated operating systems, and will make the public network environment more reliable, secure, and stable.
Since May 2022, Barnstable County has awarded seven grants to six towns totaling $6,713,682.81. Sheila Lyons, Chair of the County Board of Commissioners, and Patrick Princi, Speaker of the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates are pleased to announce this critical funding together today and encourage additional towns to apply for their allocated funding immediately.
“The Town of Yarmouth welcomes this funding as an integral part of the pre-funding program for the design work related to our $214 million dollar wastewater infrastructure project. This additional funding will help reduce some of our borrowing for design work in advance of construction,” said Bob Whritenour, Yarmouth Town Administrator.
“The Town of Bourne is thrilled to learn that Barnstable County ARPA funds are available to assist the Bourne Public Schools in our collective efforts to upgrade and modernize our IT infrastructure. The infusion of ARPA money will allow the School Department to make additional progress on their 3-year IT strategic plan to increase cybersecurity and build a more resilient and robust network,” said Marlene McCollem, Bourne Town Administrator.
“I’d like to extend my appreciation to Barnstable County staff for facilitating the second phase of the Round 1 ARPA funding allocation. Because the County Administration has received the “ground rules” for processing these funds, and quickly set up the required infrastructure and valuable support, it allowed Bourne to communicate its needs, achieve conformity, get these funds approved and working for the intended use,” said George Slade, Member, Bourne Assembly of Delegates.
In addition to ARPA grants awarded to the towns of Yarmouth and Bourne, today, Barnstable County has already awarded ARPA grants to the following Towns:
· Barnstable – $1,965,218.61 for the 720 Main Street Pump Station Replacement
· Bourne — $857,391.40 for the purchase of two custom-built Lifeline “Superliner” Class I Emergency Medical Vehicles
· Falmouth – $1,334,782.00 for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades
· Mashpee — $664,229.94 for a Wastewater Town Project
· Sandwich — $849,300.42 for a Clean Water Improvement Project for the Sandwich Public Schools
Cape Cod’s 15 towns are eligible to submit project applications to the County for funding under the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) via the user-friendly portal. Additional information about the County’s ARPA program can be found at https://www.capecod.gov/barnstable-county-federal-american-rescue-plan-act-arpa/.
ABOUT BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF CAPE COD: Barnstable County provides exemplary government functions and services to keep our community healthy and safe, promote sustainable growth, and offer a proactive, open government that enhances the quality of life for the citizens of Barnstable County. Learn more at www.capecod.gov