County Wide Contract Pricing
Below are the links for County Wide Contract Pricing for various commodities that are collectively done through our office. Additional contracts can be found below the links if the County entered into contracts on behalf of the Towns. Towns are encouraged to verify pricing, contract term dates and have contract numbers referenced on invoices to ensure compliance.
FY24 Contracts:
Heating Fuel BC-23-8001 MJT BC-23-8001 Sprague
Gasoline/Diesel BC-23-8002_MJT BC-23-8002 Atlantic Petroleum BC-23-8002 Sprague
BC-24-8046 Cape Cod Oil BC-24-8046 Sprague
BC-24-8047 Atlantic BC-24-8047 Cape Cod Oil BC-24-8047 Sprague
Actuarial Services for FY21, 22, 23, 24: BC-22-7941_Segal Co
Actuarial Services for FY25, 26, 27, 28: BC-25-8057 Segal Co
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events: 230-22-7961_Clean Earth
Shellfish Seed: 230-24-8030 – Shellfish Seed