MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > Chip Reilly Talks Emergency Preparation on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access TV
Chip Reilly Talks Emergency Preparation on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access TV
Published on: August 30, 2023
Chip Reilly, Barnstable County’s Emergency Preparedness Director, joins the Town of Barnstable for their most recent episode of County Chatter on Town of Barnstable Government Access Channel – Xfinity Channel 8 or 1072 (HD).
Chip shares about the uniqueness of Cape Cod in regard to disastrous weather events such as hurricanes, nor-easters, and hurricanes, the importance of planning for emergencies and how to build your personalized disaster “kit.”
The locations of several disaster shelters on Cape Cod that anyone can evacuate to were also discussed.
For more information on how to build your personalized disaster “kit”, go to: