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West Nile Virus Update

It’s that time of year! Cape Cod Mosquito Control reported their first positive detect from a batch of mosquitos collected in Sandwich on July 21, 2022. The risk level for transmission of West Nile Virus remains low across the state. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health publishes risk maps for transmission at the following link:…/massachusetts-arbovirus-update.

What can county residents do to reduce the risk of getting a mosquito-borne illness? Reducing standing water is a key…even a small amount of standing water can become a mosquito factory. Trash can lids, tarps on the ground, clogged rain gutters, flower pots- get rid of the water. Change out bird baths and pet water buckets weekly. Use an EPA registered repellent like DEET or picaridin. Avoid being outdoors during peak mosquito hours from dusk to dawn. And make sure window screens are free of holes.For more information see the Cape Cod Mosquito Control Project at

You can also reach out to our Extension County Entomologist, Larry Dapsis, at or #508-375-6642.

Image illustrating how to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Stay inside dusk till dawn during peak mosquito season; use insect repellant with deet or picaridin ; wear long clothing when outside.
Image is of house and locations where mosquito can be found and breed. Locations include gutters, bird baths, puddles, toys and buckets and leaky outdoor faucets. Make sure to keep these areas and items empty of water.