Barnstable Complete Streets Public Comment Period Open
Seeking transportation improvement suggestions now through August 31, 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (July 25, 2022) — In January of 2022 the Town of Barnstable was officially recognized as a Complete Streets community. The Cape Cod Commission and the Town of Barnstable are working together to analyze the Town’s transportation network to identify opportunities to create a more connected, efficient, and accessible roadway network. The Commission and the Town of Barnstable are seeking community feedback at village meetings and through an online interactive public comment tool.
A Complete Street provides accommodations for all users including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and persons with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to explore transportation improvement alternatives that will reduce conflicts, improve traffic flow, and incorporate multi-modal transportation options in Barnstable while furthering the creation of vibrant, pedestrian and bicycle oriented mixed-use centers throughout the town.
The Cape Cod Commission and Town of Barnstable want to hear from you. Staff has held two village meetings and will be holding three more meetings in the upcoming weeks:
Tuesday July 26th 4:30 PM
Village of Hyannis
Barnstable Adult Community Center, 825 Falmouth Road (Route 28), Hyannis
Thursday July 28th 4:30 PM
Village of Centerville
Centerville Public Library, 585 Main Street, Centerville
Wednesday August 3rd 4:30 PM
Villages of Barnstable & West Barnstable
Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church, 3055 Main Street (Route 6A), Barnstable
Residents are encouraged to attend one of the meetings to learn more about this effort and to share ideas for projects that would better support walking, biking and safe driving in the Town of Barnstable.
Based on community feedback, staff will develop a draft Prioritization Plan which is a list of priority roadway improvement projects ranked by defined evaluation criteria such as increase in safety, ability to implement and community support.
The public comment period for the Barnstable Complete Streets Prioritization Plan is open now through August 31, 2022. Those wishing to submit comments may do so using the Cape Cod Commission’s interactive public comment tool, by sending an email to, or by attending one of the upcoming village meetings.
The interactive public comment tool is available on the Cape Cod Commission’s webpage. The tool allows users to identify areas of town that are challenging for all roadway users, including motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders. To use the tool, simply select the “Public Suggestions” tab and enter an address or use the map to zoom in to a specific area. Next, click on the “Edit” button on the far right side of the menu, select a mode of travel and click on the map to drop a pin or draw a line. Add your comments and suggestions to the box that appears. An instructional video is provided on the left-hand side for further guidance.
Input gathered will help the Cape Cod Commission and the Town understand the multimodal issues and opportunities in Barnstable. Based on community feedback, staff will develop the draft Prioritization Plan which will be presented at a public meeting anticipated to occur in Winter 2023 for further discussion. The final Prioritization Plan will be submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) as part of the Town’s ongoing participation in the Complete Streets Program.
Please consider providing your feedback, by August 31, 2022, so the Town can move forward with prioritizing future Complete Streets projects.
For more information, visit the project website at: