MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > Barnstable County Department of Human Services Accepting SAPC Program FY20 Mini Grant RFPs
Barnstable County Department of Human Services Accepting SAPC Program FY20 Mini Grant RFPs
Published on: December 16, 2019
The Barnstable County Department of Human Services SAPC program is seeking applications from SAPC-member town substance use prevention coalitions and/or their school districts to further the following program priorities:
- Leverage My Choice Matters substance use awareness/prevention campaign for implementation at the town level (see MyChoiceMatters.net).
- Support SAPC member town coalitions/task forces and/or school districts in their implementation of evidence-based and promising practice substance use prevention activities targeted at youth.
- Support SAPC member town coalitions/task forces and/or school districts to acquire new information and skills to address youth substance use.
The Barnstable County Department of Human Service’s Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative (SAPC) program works to prevent underage drinking and other drug use and is offering mini-grants of up to $5,000.
- The project end date must be on or before 6/30/2020