Cape Cod Commission Accepting Comments on Mashpee Rotary Concepts
Media Contacts:
Steven Tupper, Transportation Program Manager |508-744-1232 stupper@capecodcommission.org
Sarah Colvin, Communications Manager | 508-744-1271 sarah.colvin@capecodcommission.org
Cape Cod Commission Accepting Comments on Mashpee Rotary Concepts
Public comment period open now through December 23rd
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – The Cape Cod Commission is now accepting public comments on conceptual improvements identified as part of the Mashpee Rotary Corridor Study.
Based on information learned at two public Listening Sessions held in April, Staff from the Cape Cod Commission and the Town of Mashpee developed draft alternative concepts for the corridor, ranging from striping improvements to a rotary replacement, which aim to reduce congestion and improve multi-modal accommodations.
Cape Cod Commission transportation staff presented conceptual alternatives during a pair of public meetings held on December 5, 2019 at the Mashpee Public Library. More than 100 residents attended and participated in an interactive group discussion, offering feedback on the presented ideas.
Public feedback is an integral part of the study and will help shape the future vision for this regional intersection. A public comment period on these concepts is open. Comments will be accepted via email through Monday, December 23, 2019. Comments may be emailed to Colleen Medeiros, Transportation Engineer, at colleen.medeiros@capecodcommission.org.
The Mashpee Rotary is a five-leg, major regional transportation node with the intersections of Route 28, Route 151, Great Neck Road North, and Great Neck Road South. The Mashpee Rotary and its approaches have been identified as a priority for investigation due to congestion and safety issues.
The Cape Cod Commission, under the Unified Planning Work Program, is conducting a transportation planning study for the corridor with the goal of developing context-sensitive improvements that will provide safe and convenient access within the study area for all users of the roadway system including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists.
A final report will be prepared following a review of the feedback from the public meeting and any other comments received from the public.
For more information, please visit: www.capecodcommission.org/MashpeeRotary
The Cape Cod Commission is the regional land use planning, economic development, and regulatory agency for Barnstable County, Massachusetts. It was created in 1990 to serve the citizens and 15 towns that comprise Cape Cod. The Commission works toward maintaining a healthy balance between economic progress and environmental vitality. “Keeping a special place special” describes the agency’s mission to protect the region’s unique qualities. The 19-member volunteer Cape Cod Commission board represents a wide spectrum of the community and provides oversight for a staff of 40 professionals. For more information, visit: www.capecodcommission.org.