Youth Count Housing and Homelessness Survey Happening NOW
Massachusetts is trying to better understand and meet the needs of young adults experiencing housing instability. Data from the 2017 Massachusetts Youth Count will impact funding and services for young adults experiencing instability in our area. High youth participation in the survey will increase the likelihood that Cape Cod will receive funding to address this issue.
From Monday, May 1st through Sunday, May 14, 2017, service providers and young adults across the state in coordination will support an effort to understand the scope and needs of youth and young adults through a survey for those who likely are unstably housed or experiencing homelessness. The survey will be available in public areas where youth congregate, drop-in centers and meal programs for youth and young adults, programs for youth experiencing homelessness, and other venues where young people may meet. The goal of this effort is to gain a clearer understanding of the number of unaccompanied young people in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without a stable place to live, and their experiences in trying to access housing and services. By enhancing the state and local communities’ knowledge of this issue, we can further our efforts to create a Commonwealth where no youth or young adult is left without a place to call home.
Please encourage youth under 25 in your network to take this brief confidential survey at:
The link can also be accessed on the Homeless Prevention Council’s website www.HPCCapeCod.org.
For more information, visit:
Overview of Massachusetts Youth Count 2017
Youth Count Flyer
English Language Survey
Memorandum from the Department of Housing and Community Development
Barnstable County Department of Human Services convenes the Cape and Islands Regional Network on Homelessness – a collaborative effort of state, county and local government, social service providers, housing agencies, faith-based organizations, the business community and individuals working together to prevent and end homelessness,
The Department is also the collaborative applicant for the Continuum of Care Grant Program which provides homeless assistance funding administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. As the primary federal resource to end homelessness, the Continuum of Care (CoC) grant program competitively funds CoCs to impact homelessness at the local level.