Staff Spotlight November 2016
Beth Albert, Director, was a guest on CodComm’s “Inside Cape Cod” with host Sarah Colvin Nelson and WXTK’s “Spectrum” with host Doug Verney.
November 2, 2016
Melissa Janiszewski, MOAPC Coordinator and Kim Slade, SAPC Coordinator, presented information on the 2016 Parent Summit and My Choice Matters Campaign to the Yarmouth Substance Abuse Committee.
November 10, 2016
Sheila Curtis, SHINE Program Manager, presented on Medicare and its annual open enrollment to the Retired Men’s Group of Cape Cod at the Dennis COA.
November 10, 2016
Kim Slade, SAPC Coordinator, promoted the 2016 Parent Summit on The Point with Mindy Todd, WCAI.
November 10, 2016
Melissa Janiszewski, MOAPC Coordinator, presented information on the 2016 Parent Summit to the Community Health Network Area 27 general membership meeting.
November 14, 2016
Melissa Janiszewski, MOAPC Coordinator and Kim Slade, SAPC Coordinator, presented information on the 2016 Parent Summit and My Choice Matters Campaign to the Sandwich Substance Abuse Prevention Committee.
November 30, 2016
Patty Watson, Project Specialist, presented a tutorial on the Department’s online resources for behavioral health and public health and wellness to Outer Cape Health Services direct service staff at the Provincetown clinic.
Healthy Connected Cape Cod is the conceptual framework that ties together the work of Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services. The Department’s goal is to organize regional approaches by engaging residents, health and human service organizations, and coalitions and networks throughout Cape Cod to plan and implement activities that promote health and well-being for County residents.