Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) 2015-2016 Impact Report
During Fiscal 2015-2016, the state’s largest family homelessness prevention program, Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), kept 83 Cape and Islands families out of emergency shelter while saving Massachusetts $2.8 million. The report “RAFT 2015-2016: Residential Assistance for Families in Transition on the Cape and Islands” from the Regional Housing Network of Massachusetts and Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) illustrates how RAFT helps clients in the greatest need and indicates that the majority of RAFT recipients are often women in their 30s with two children.
According to the November 18, 2016 press release, “RAFT clients – who apply for help at HAC or one of 10 other housing agencies statewide – can receive up to $4,000 annually to help them stave off homelessness. Although they can use the aid from year to year, most do not: Only 9 percent of RAFT users in 2016 had received aid the year prior, demonstrating how effective RAFT is at keeping people housed.”
To learn more, review the following links:
RAFT Press Release
RAFT Report Highlights
RAFT 2015-2016: Residential Assistance for Families in Transition on the Cape and Islands
RAFT in Massachusetts 2015-2016 Report
Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) works closely with the Barnstable County Department of Human Services as a member of the Cape and Islands Regional Network on Homelessness. HAC is responsible for the Continuum of Care Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and administers HOME Down Payment Closing Cost (DPCC) Program.