Cape Cod Master Gardeners Host Annual Plant Sale in Falmouth on Saturday, May 18, 2024

Locally grown annuals, perennials, vegetables, and herbs available for purchase.
May 7, 2024 (Barnstable, MA) – The Master Gardeners Association of Cape Cod will host its 25th Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. until sold out. The event will take place at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds, Route 151, in Falmouth, inside the Marketplace Building, accessible via the West Gate at Currier Road. Proceeds will support the scholarship fund and public education events.
This year’s selection features pollinator-friendly native plants, affordable hydrangeas and rhododendrons, and a wide variety of perennials, including succulents and dahlias. Vegetable gardeners will find a diverse array of tomatoes, peppers, veggie starts, and unique herbs.
Master Gardeners will be available to answer gardening questions on the day of the sale. This is a rain or shine event, so attendees are advised to bring a sun hat or umbrella and be prepared for a day of gardening.
ABOUT MASTER GARDENERS ASSOCIATION OF CAPE COD: The Master Gardener Program is a cooperative effort between Master Gardener volunteers and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension to provide science-based horticultural information to the residents of Barnstable County. Master Gardener volunteers provide education and services to the community promoting sustainable and environmentally sound gardening practices. The Master Gardener Association provides the means by which members increase their knowledge of and interest in gardening and related topics. Learn more at www.capecod.gov/extension
ABOUT CAPE COD COOPERATIVE EXTENSION: Cape Cod Cooperative Extension is the education department for Barnstable County. Educational programs focus on agriculture, marine resources, horticulture, aquaculture, natural resources, water quality, recycling, household hazardous waste, nutrition, food safety, youth development, and environmental education issues facing the county. Extension programs are conducted in Barnstable County in cooperation with the University of Massachusetts and The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution–Sea Grant program. Learn more at www.capecod.gov/extension