PFAS Mitigation Progress: Phase II CSA and IRAs Update – January 30, 2024
On January 30, 2024, a virtual public meeting was held to provide an update about the Former County Fire Training site. The meeting, led by Paul Ruszala, P.E., Assets and Infrastructure Manager, lasted approximately one hour and saw participation from about 16 attendees.
The focus of this meeting was to address environmental concerns related to the site’s designation as a disposal site under M.G.L. c. 21E, § 2 and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 (the MCP). Initially designated as a Public Involvement Plan (PIP) site in response to local petitioners in January 2019, the PIP was finalized in June 2019.
During the virtual meeting, Barnstable County, along with consultants and a Licensed Site Professional, provided essential updates regarding the Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment (Phase II CSA) and Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) conducted under the MCP.
Explore our dedicated webpages for the County’s PFAS mitigation efforts here.
You can watch the recording of the live-streamed meeting on YouTube below: