December 1st is World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is an opportunity to reflect and acknowledge progress made globally to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS, diminish HIV stigma, and better understand the challenges that remain to achieve the goals of ending AIDS by 2030. It’s also a reminder to all stakeholders to jointly redouble efforts to ensure the success of the HIV response.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
“World AIDS Day is observed on December 1 each year. It is a day of solidarity for people around the world who are affected by HIV. This is a day for voices to unite by sharing experiences, remembering those lost, and standing together in the fight against HIV. While great strides have been made over the four decades since the first known reported cases of AIDS, this disease remains a public health challenge. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for every community and each individual to honor the more than 32 million people who have died worldwide from AIDS-related illness.”
World AIDS Day 2023: “Let Communities Lead”
This World AIDS Day is a celebration of the achievements of communities leading the way connect people with public health services, build trust, innovate, monitor implementation of policies and services, and hold providers accountable. It is a call to action to enable and support communities in their leadership roles.
Here in Barnstable County, the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod (ASGCC) is our local representation of community leadership in providing education and life-sustaining services in the fight against AIDS and HIV. Their work has even expanded to the opioid epidemic through the application of harm reduction strategies intended to prevent transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections via drug injections. Further, ASGCC led the charge in making Narcan (the medication which reverses opioid overdoses) available Cape-wide, and today provides Narcan training and distribution throughout the Cape and Islands to prevent opioid overdose death.
ASGCC will be commemorating their 40th anniversary on December 1st at the Provincetown AIDS Memorial. The ceremony will take place at 4:30pm followed by a candlelight vigil to ASGCC’s Provincetown Drop-in Center at 301 Commercial Street. The public is invited for hors d’oeuvres, wine, and beverages.
Learn More about World AIDS Day 2023
World Health Organization: World AIDS Day 2023 (who.int)
UNAIDS – Let Communities Lead: 2023 World AIDS Day — Let Communities Lead | UNAIDS
Rock the Ribbon: World AIDS Day Website: Home – World AIDS Day
HIV.gov: World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit | HIV.gov
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): World AIDS Day | CDC