Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund Awards 2023 Grants
Funding will support water quality projects in six Cape Cod towns, increase water quality monitoring
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (June 16, 2023) – The Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund Management Board voted June 13, 2023 to award $41,942,700 in subsidies to water quality projects in six Cape Cod towns.
Contingent commitments for 25% subsidies to fund qualified projects listed on the 2023 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan were awarded to water quality and wastewater projects in the towns of Barnstable, Chatham, Harwich, Mashpee, Wellfleet, and Yarmouth. Projects receiving funds include pump station improvements and sewer extensions and expansions, construction of wastewater treatment facilities, and an innovative/alternative septic system program.
“Improving our region’s wastewater infrastructure supports clean water and a healthy economy,” said Cape Cod Commission Executive Director Kristy Senatori. “These grant awards allow our towns to move forward with implementation of critical, community-supported projects.”
To date, the Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund has awarded approximately $140 million to Cape Cod communities to fund new water quality and wastewater projects and certain pre-existing wastewater debt.
“This fund is a critical tool that helps us address the rising costs of necessary wastewater infrastructure region-wide,” said Management Board Chair Kevin Galligan. “We are excited to again provide support to projects in multiple towns that will improve water quality throughout the region.”
Projects eligible for funding include innovative strategies and alternative septic system technologies, water quality and wastewater management planning, the construction of sewer collection systems and wastewater treatment plants, and the implementation of drainage improvements and water treatment programs to improve water quality in freshwater ponds and marine resources. Member communities must go through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program and be consistent with the Area Wide Water Quality Management Plan (208 Plan) to receive funds.
During the June 13 meeting, the Management Board recognized that Cape Cod communities have been doing the hard work to plan for and implement wastewater infrastructure which, combined with increased costs of construction, have put unanticipated pressure on the Fund. The Board committed to working with legislators and state administration to secure additional funding necessary to continue providing subsidies for Cape Cod projects. The Board also voted to commit up to $325,000 for water quality monitoring in the region, acknowledging the important role ongoing monitoring plays in understanding the impact of investments in water quality and wastewater projects on coastal water bodies.
A full list of awards can be found at:
The Cape Cod Commission will now work with the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust on administration of subsidy awards.
About the Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund
The Cape Cod and Islands Water Protection Fund (CCIWPF) was established by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2018 to help the Cape Cod and the Islands pay for necessary wastewater infrastructure and water quality remediation projects. Creation of the CCIWPF was the result of efforts by a diverse set of stakeholders, including the Cape and Islands Legislative Delegation, local officials, environmental groups, business leaders, and the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, who recognized the need for new financial tools to address the region’s degrading water quality and lack of wastewater infrastructure.
The CCIWPF is a dedicated fund within the state’s Clean Water Trust, set up solely to benefit communities in Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket Counties. Its source of revenue is a 2.75% excise tax on traditional lodging and short-term rentals. The fund is administered by the existing Clean Water Trust and overseen by a management board comprised of representation from every member town from the region. Currently, the 15 Cape Cod communities are members of the fund.