What’s on the Agenda for the Barnstable County Commissioners Meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 2021?
Barnstable County Commissioners Meeting on September 29, 2021
Every other week, the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners holds a regular meeting to discuss important issues that impact our region. We invite residents to participate in a public meeting or watch live streamed on our YouTube channel.
Discussion and Potential Official Action at the September 29th Meeting
Here are the items planned for at the September 29th County Commissioners’ regular meeting:
- The Commissioners will again recognize September 27th as Barnstable County Independence Day.
- The Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission will provide an update on activities.
- The Barnstable County Communications Manager will present new Barnstable County branding guidelines.
- The Department of Health and Environment will give an update on the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center.
- There will be a Proposed Ordinance 21-__, to authorize the Fiscal Year 2022 Supplemental Budget in the amount of $599,396.00.
- There will be a Proposed Ordinance 21-__, to authorize a re-allocation of capital expenditure for the repair of the Superior Courthouse roof, as authorized in Ordinance 17-5, to the repair of the Second District Courthouse roof in the amount of $150,000.00
- Update on COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) and Barnstable County.
- A discussion will take place on the potential vaccination mandate for Barnstable County employees.
See the agenda in its entirety HERE.
How You Can Participate
Do you want to participate in this meeting?
Join on your computer or mobile app via the Microsoft Teams app:
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only):
CALL-IN NUMBER: +1 781-469-0191 CONFERENCE ID: 603 598 155#
Watch this Meeting on YouTube
County Commissioners, Assembly of Delegates, and Cape Cod Commission Meetings are open to the public and are streamed live. WATCH LIVE or PRE-RECORDED MEETINGS HERE
Reasonable Accommodations Are Available
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact Justyna Marczak, Barnstable County ADA Coordinator at jmarczak@capecod.gov, or call 508-375-6646 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.