Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates Passes Resolution 20-06
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (October 16, 2020)
Media Contact:
Janice O’Connell, Assembly of Delegates Clerk
Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates
Resolution 20-06 aims to provide easy access to guidelines for public participation in Assembly meetings
Barnstable, MA – The Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates passed a resolution titled “Public Participation in Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates Meetings and Hearings” on October 7, 2020. The Resolution’s purpose is to compile all the regulations that guide how Assembly meetings are conducted into a single resource.
Assembly meeting practices are governed by the State’s Open Meeting Law, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s interpretation of the Open Meeting Law, and the Barnstable County Charter.
Resolution 20-06 serves as guidance for all parties who attend Assembly meetings so they may participate effectively. It explains how members of the public may participate in the meetings and the Assembly Speaker’s authority to regulate meeting proceedings.
Proposed by Delegates Brian O’Malley (Provincetown), Mary Chaffee (Brewster), and Randi Potash (Chatham), the new Resolution on Public Participation in Assembly meetings is available at
The Assembly of Delegates is Barnstable County’s legislative branch of government. Assembly meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 4 pm. Meetings are conducted via remote (virtual) technology currently due to the pandemic. Guidance on how to participate in a virtual Assembly meeting appears at the top of each meeting agenda. Assembly meeting information is available at