Please Show Up With a Mask
The Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment is exploring new ways to convey to young locals and visitors the importance of wearing masks during the pandemic and launched the #ShowUpWithAMask campaign today.
We get it.
It’s summer and you would rather be on the beach or at a get-together with friends, but Cape Cod needs you to continue taking precautions. Avoid crowds. And when you cannot physically distance, wear your mask, and wear it correctly.
If you’re young, you can still develop COVID-19 and serious complications. Even if symptom-free, you could spread the virus to those more vulnerable, like the elderly and immunocompromised.
When you have to go out, whether it is to the store, to work, to the beach, and other places where it is difficult or impossible to maintain 6 feet of physical distance, please show up wearing a mask. Help us help Cape Cod and please share this Public Service Announcement.
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/a1HmwMJ21Lk ” width=”300″ height=”200″]
#ShowUpWithAMask TikTok Challenge
Get creative! Help us spread the word about the importance of wearing a mask.
- Accept our TikTok #ShowUpWithAMask Challenge. Go to www.tiktok.com/@barnstablecounty to see what we’ve posted. Upload your own creative video to your TikTok account that promotes mask wearing. Use fun transitions and music expressing the concept of “showing up with a mask” and don’t forget to use the hashtag #ShowUpWithAMask so we can share it!
We Want to Send You A Free Mask!
To help youth stay safe during COVID-19, for a limited time and on a first-come, first-serve basis, the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment is offering a free mask to Barnstable County residents between the ages of 15 and 25. Fill out the form below to get your free mask. We will limit (3) per household.
See the Press Release at Information from Barnstable County Department of Health