Task Force Launched to Reopen Cape Cod Safely
Contact: Frank Schulze (Senator Cyr’s office) 508-562-0840 (cell)
Task Force Launched to Reopen Cape Cod Safely
(CAPE COD) A region-wide task force has been assembled to develop strategies for reopening Cape Cod once it is safe to do so. The Cape Cod Reopening Task Force is led by the Cape & Islands Legislative Delegation, the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, and Barnstable County, with participation from Cape Cod Healthcare, municipal officials, first responders, community leaders, and others.
The goal of the Task Force is to pursue a safe and structured approach to reopening commercial and social activities on Cape Cod. Through its work, the Task Force will coordinate authorities and entities across Cape Cod to provide one consistent message to the region’s year-round residents, seasonal residents, second home-owners, summer workers, and visitors; such coordination will both advance public health and promote economic vitality when we are able to reopen.
“The aim of the Cape Cod Reopening Task Force is twofold: to save lives and livelihoods,” said State Senator Julian Cyr (D-Truro), who serves as public information officer for the Task Force. “It’s critical for public health and our economic vitality that Cape Cod provides uniform and consistent information to the public. Reopening the wrong way could put all in our communities at risk.”
The Cape Cod Reopening Task Force will work to compile and disseminate guidelines for businesses, workers, residents, and visitors. Forthcoming guidance from the Task Force will align with recommendations from the Governor’s Reopening Advisory Board, advisories from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Executive Orders from Governor Baker. The work of the Task Force will be done in consultation with the Baker-Polito Administration. The Task Force reiterates that Governor Baker, the Governor’s Reopening Advisory Board, and guidance from public health experts will dictate the timeline of reopening on Cape Cod.
“We need to speak with one voice to the Governor’s Advisory Board on Reopening,” said State Representative Sarah Peake (D-Provincetown). “It is a much easier process to close down the economy than to reopen it. Reopening this economy will depend on how this virus behaves. Our decisions need to be driven by science and data.”
As the traditional summer season approaches, the Task Force will work to ensure that the most up-to-date information is made available, particularly for seasonal residents who are returning to the region and ultimately to visitors for travel planning purposes.
Submit Comments to the Reopening Task Force
The public is invited to submit comments to the Task Force. Comments will be reviewed and taken into consideration as the Task Force develops a reopening report. Comments can be submitted online here.
Guidance for Seasonal Residents and Visitors to Cape Cod and the Islands
Effective through May 18th
Guidance to Cape & Islands Seasonal Community (English)
Orientación para la comunidad estacional de Cape Cod y las Islas (Español)
Orientação para a Comunidade de Veraneio do Cabo & Ilhas (Portuguesa)
Members of the Cape Cod Reopening Task Force
State Elected Officials
Senator Julian Cyr, Cape & Islands District — Public Information Officer
Representative Sarah Peake
Representative Will Crocker
Representative Dylan Fernandes
Representative Randy Hunt
Representative David Vieira
Representative Tim Whelan
Other Municipal, County, and Federal Government Partners
Mark Ells, Barnstable Town Manager
Anthony Schiavi, Bourne Town Administrator
Peter Lombardi, Brewster Town Administrator
Shareen Davis, Chatham Select Board Chair, Representative of Cape Cod Selectmen and Councilor’s Association
David Sampson, Sandwich Select Board Chair, Representative of Cape Cod Selectmen and Councilor’s Association
Jack Yunits, Barnstable County Administrator
Sean O’Brien, Director, Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment Kristy Senatori, Cape Cod Commission
Brian Carlstrom, Superintendent, Cape Cod National Seashore
Chief Peter Burke, Hyannis Fire/EMS
Representative of the Cape Cod Regional Law Enforcement Council (Invited)
Private Sector
Wendy Northcross, CEO, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce – Facilitator
Mike Lauf, CEO, Cape Cod Healthcare
Linda Markham, President, Cape Air; Vice Chair, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce; & Member, Governor’s Reopening Advisory Board
Kevin Howard, Chair, Cape Cod Chamber Recovery Task Force
Eugene Curry, Cape Cod Blue Economy Foundation
Ryan Castle, CEO, Cape Cod & Islands Association of Realtors
Cindy Horgan, Executive Director, Cape Cod Children’s Place
Additional Participants
Nancy Gardella, Executive Director, Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce
Kristie Ferrantella, Nantucket Select Board Member & Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce
Jerry Fishbein, Vice President, 1199 SEIU
Member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (Invited)