MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > Message from the Barnstable County Hazardous Materials Program
Message from the Barnstable County Hazardous Materials Program
Published on: April 17, 2020
April 16, 2020 – Since transfer stations have either reduced what they accept or are not currently open, we have seen an increase in illegal dumping occurring on Cape Cod. In response, please see the preliminary list of commercial locations accepting construction and demolition debris and check back for updates.
Companies currently accepting C & D. (This list may not be comprehensive) By inclusion on this list, Barnstable County is not recommending or endorsing any company.
Robert Childs Inc.
508) 398-2556
C & D, yes; Roll off, no wait
Daniel’s Recycling
(508) 255-7033
C & D, yes; no wait
S&J Exco
(508) 398-4000
C & D, yes; $175/ton;
No organics
Pina- metal Recycling
(508) 428-2062
C & D, yes
Roll offs: wait list, about a week
New England Recycling
(508) 822-4345
C & D, yes
$135/ton; $5, compliance fee; $75 minimum for ½ ton