Barnstable County Facing Weather Threats and Possible Power Outages
BCREPC Media Release
Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee
For Immediate Release
Barnstable County Facing Weather Threats and Possible Power Outages
BARNSTABLE (MA) April 13, 2020 – The Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee (BCREPC) has activated the Multi Agency Coordination Center (MACC) in response to the High Wind Warning that remains in effect this morning until 10 PM EDT this evening for Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket Counties. Sustained winds, 25-40 mph with gusts up to 70 mph are likely. Thunderstorms are also expected.
Updates and guidance: Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines and widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive.
MACC: The Multi Agency Coordination Center (MACC) will be virtual for this event due to COVID-19. We will coordinate with Eversource on power outages and respond to any other resources needed. As a result of weather, the COVID-19 outdoor testing site at Cape Cod Community College will close at 12:00 PM today.
Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee (BCREPC)
The BCREPC was founded in September 2002 to assist the communities on Cape Cod and the Town of Nantucket with addressing hazardous materials emergency planning and response as required by the federal government. Today, the BCREPC has expanded its scope to include “All Hazard” emergency planning issues such as storm response, sheltering and grants management. The BCREPC is a coalition of emergency management, law enforcement, fire service, health care, public health, public works, EMS, military, and numerous other affiliated agencies as outlined by the Massachusetts State Emergency Response Committee (SERC). It represents the towns of Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Orleans, Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, Wellfleet, and Yarmouth in Barnstable County, and the town of Nantucket in Nantucket County. The REPC is coordinated by the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment. Visit www.bcrepc.org