MAIN BARNSTABLE COUNTY > MAIN COUNTY FEATURED NEWS > Today at Barnstable County: Learning about Climate Change and Municipal Liability in Massachusetts
Today at Barnstable County: Learning about Climate Change and Municipal Liability in Massachusetts
Published on: September 24, 2019
Tuesday, September 24th – Read Porter from the Rhode Island Sea Grant Legal Program presented today on climate change and municipal liability in Massachusetts at the Barnstable County Complex (East Wing Conference Room). His team has been preparing reviews of legal precedents, climate change, and municipal action in Massachusetts in partnership with Woods Hole Sea Grant and MIT Sea Grant.
Topics covered today included:
- Maintenance of water and sewer infrastructure in response to sea level rise
- Responding to nuisance flooding of coastal highways
- Takings liability and coastal management
- Climate change and government negligence liability.
33 stakeholders from across Barnstable County attended this event.
[su_quote]Shannon Hulst, Deputy Director of Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, Floodplain Specialist & CRS Coordinator said, “The presentation on municipal liability and climate change was extremely informative for communities working on adaptation to sea level rise, erosion, and increases in precipitation and flooding. It set the stage for considering legal implications of various actions towns may or may not choose to take and provided staff with an opportunity to ask about specific projects.”[/su_quote]