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Barnstable County Substance Use Resources Available
The Barnstable County Regional Substance Use Council (RSAC) was organized by the Barnstable County Department of Human Services in 2014 and is comprised of town coalitions, elected officials from the local, state, and federal levels, the Sheriff and District Attorney’s offices, police, first responders, probation, drug court, school nurses, school superintendents, and drug treatment, recovery, and healthcare providers. The RSAC and the Human Services’ staff have created substance use resources which are made available free to the public by Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services.
My Choice Matters – A public health education campaign that provides accurate information about substance use. Posters and PSA’s are also available. Free Parent Summit is scheduled for November 5, 2017.
2017 Parent Summit: Building Parent Muscle Flyer
How to Recognize and Respond to an Overdose – Good Samaritan’s visual guide
Good Samaritan Overdose Rack Card, Sides 1&2
Good Samaritan Overdose 11×17 Poster
Cape Cod Substance Use Resource Guide – A local guide that includes substance use emergency hotlines, treatment and recovery services, and additional resources to help individuals with substance use disorder and their families.
Cape Cod Substance Use Resource Guide (June 2017)
Local Service Directory of Agencies – links to Barnstable County’s online resource directory of local service providers.
Health and Human Services Directory
The Barnstable County Regional Substance Use Council (RSAC) links towns, providers, organizations, and individuals on Cape Cod to identify and address regional gaps and disparities in the service provider system, and to maximize inter-agency collaboration, funding, and resource opportunities. RSAC facilitates a regional approach to substance use across the continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery.