2nd Annual Parent Summit
2nd Annual Parent Summit
“Building Parent Muscle”
On Sunday November 5, 2017 we are hosting the second annual My Choice Matters Parent Summit: Building Parent Muscle. Registration is still open at http://www.mychoicematters.net/. Please forward this invitation to your networks, friends, and neighbors.
Why: Being a parent is hard work! My Choice Matters: Building Parent Muscle will feature local expert Cindy Horgan, the executive director of the Cape Cod Children’s Place, who will speak on “Growing Grit and Resiliency” and Jon Mattleman, mental health consultant and former director of Needham Youth Services, will present “The Secret Lives of Teens” providing specific communication tips parents can use immediately.
WHAT: 2nd Annual My Choice Matters Parent Summit
WHEN: Sunday November 5, 2017 from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
WHERE: Cape Codder Resort and Spa, Route 132, 1225 Iyannough Rd., Hyannis, MA
Seats are still available! My Choice Matters: Building Parent Muscle aligns with the My Choice Matters social norms campaign which highlights how our positive choices as parents, individuals, and community members can impact our own lives as well as those around us. This event will provide parents and caregivers with advice and resources from local experts as well as free childcare and lunch. Registration is required and is available at register.mychoicematters.net.
[bctt tweet=”SAVE THE DATE – 2nd Annual Parent Summit – My Choice Matters – Building Parent Muscle” username=””]