Cape Cod Healthcare Community Benefits FY2018 RFP Released
Cape Cod Healthcare released the FY2018 Annual Strategic Grant Request for Proposals (RFP). As part of an annual competitive grant process focusing on addressing the unmet health needs of the residents of Barnstable County, the FY2018 Annual Strategic Grant RFP focuses on two of the four health priorities and goals identified in the 2017-2019 Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Report and Implementation Plan:
- Chronic and infectious disease management
- Disease prevention and wellness
Grant proposals must address at least one of the following priorities, and meet funding guidelines related to vulnerable populations and measurable outcomes: Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, and Tick-borne diseases. Disease prevention and wellness priorities identified through self-reported health risk factors, health indicator data and community input in Barnstable County include: Health screenings, Physical activities and nutrition, Elder health and wellness, and Caregiver support.
The FY2018 Annual Strategic Grants program will provide up to $250,000 in grants to support projects ranging from $15,000 to $30,000. The deadline for submission of strategic grant proposals is August 25, 2017. Grant selection will be finalized in November 2017 by the CCHC Community Health Committee. The funding period runs from January 1, 2018 – September 30, 2018.
CCHC FY18 Annual Strategic Grant Request for Proposals
CCHC CommBens INTERIM Grant Summary and Outcomes Report Form
CCHC FY18Annual Strategic Grant RFP Attachments A,B,C,E
For RFP links and details, visit http://www.capecodhealth.org/about/caring-for-our-community/.
Cape Cod Healthcare’s Community Benefits Program is a member of the Barnstable County Health and Human Service Advisory Council and the Barnstable County Regional Substance Use Council.