2017 HOME Program Rents and Incomes Available
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released the FY 2017 Rent Limits and Income Limits for HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF). All updated limits are effective as of June 15, 2017.
View Barnstable County 2017 HUD Adjusted HOME Income Limits
More information is available on the HUD Exchange at the links below:
The HOME and HTF program income limits in the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator have not been updated and will remain the 2016 income limits until the new 2017 limits are in effect. A separate list-serve will be provided once HOME and HTF income limits are updated in the calculator.
For comments or questions regarding federal program, info@hudexchange.info.
For questions about the local HOME program, contact Michelle Springer at mspringer@capecod.gov.
Barnstable County Department of Human Services is the lead agent for the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), a Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households. The Barnstable County HOME Consortium [BCHC] is comprised of the 15 communities of Cape Cod, Massachusetts and was formed to be a Participating Jurisdiction to receive and disburse HOME funds.