Results of 2017 Annual Point in Time Homeless Count Released
The Cape and Islands Regional Network on Homelessness has released its 2017 findings from the Annual Point in Time count which took place on January 24, 2017 on Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket. The total number of homeless persons (adults and children) on the night of the count was 324, a decrease of 70 persons from the 2016 count and significantly lower than the counts since 2012 (range of 356 to 395*). However, the 2017 count documented that the number of families in shelter (69) is at the high end of the five-year range (55 to 69). During this period the number of children in sheltered families has increased steadily from 77 in 2012 to 100 in 2017. Among unsheltered adults, males exceed females by a factor of at least 3:1. However, among adults in transitional housing (42 in 2017; range of 41 to 95 between 2012 and 2017) females are more numerous and the ratio of males to females is lower at 1.5:1.
To read full press release, open Press Release: Results of 2017 Annual Point in Time Homeless Count Released – April 18, 2017
For more information, visit our web page Point in Time Count.
The annual Point in Time Count of the Cape and Islands homeless is required by the Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and is conducted by The Cape and Islands Regional Network on Homelessness.