New Immigration Program Provides Free Assistance
The Immigration Resource Center at the Community Action Committee of the Cape & Islands (CACCI ) is a new program that provides free assistance to residents of Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket counties with questions relating to immigration law. The program is full-spectrum assistance, including obtaining American citizenship, applying for or renew green cards, adjusting immigration status, applying for protective visas or work permits, etc. The staff includes an attorney and multilingual translators. See flyers below for more information on the upcoming citizenship preparation classes in Hyannis and Falmouth. The next citizenship class starts on Sept. 13, 2016, in Hyannis.
Immigration center Flyer Eng-Spa ; Immigration center Flyer Eng-Port
09-13-16 cit classes flyer Eng-Spa ; 09-13-16 cit classes flyer Eng-Port
10-18-16 cit classes flyer Eng-Spa ; 10-18-16 cit classes flyer Eng-Port
The Community Action Committee of the Cape & Islands (CACCI ) is a private not for profit agency dedicated to helping low-income individuals and families living on the Cape and Islands attain and or retain their self-sufficiency by providing a comprehensive and effective continuum of programs and services including: child care assistance information (referrals and vouchers); access to health care (enrollment and primary care provider selection); self-sufficiency support; shelter from domestic violence; support for seniors to age at home (education and referral); and financial assistance to foreclosed homeowners. The Community Action Committee of the Cape & Islands is a member of the Barnstable County Health and Human Services Advisory Council.