REMINDER: State Senate Candidates Address Income Inequality on Lower/Outer Cape
Four candidates for the State Senate seat currently held by Dan Wolf will participate in a free community event, “The Forum: Toward a More Just Society.” The event will focus on income inequality on Cape Cod, on Friday, April 29, from 9 am-noon at the Parish Hall of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Monument Rd., Orleans, MA. Speakers from the community will also be featured, describing their personal experiences of making a living on the lower and outer Cape. The discussion will be moderated by Florence Seldin, member of the Cape Cod League of Women Voters. The public is invited and pre-registration is requested but not required; contact Fr. Ken Campbell at ksbcampbell@verizon.net.
The bi-annual Forum is convened by The Network of Human Services and Faith Communities of the Lower/Outer Cape. The mission of The Network is to advocate for and educate ourselves and our communities toward a more just society for all of us living in the Lower and Outer Cape.