National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 30, 2016
On Saturday, April 30th from 10 AM – 2 PM, thousands of pounds of prescription drugs will be disposed of safely across Cape Cod during the 11th Annual National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day thanks to the dedication and hard work of our town’s Police Departments. We know unused prescription medications in homes create a public health and safety concern because they can be accidentally ingested, stolen, misused, and abused. And with water quality studies on Cape Cod finding medications at detectable levels, the Prescription Drug Take-Back Day helps divert unwanted medications from being flushed down the toilet where they contaminate our ground and drinking water.
April 30th provides a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of unused or expired prescription drugs, while educating the public about the potential for abuse of medications and the importance of protecting the Cape’s natural environment. So drop off your unwanted or unused medications at any Cape Cod Police Department on Saturday, April 30th. No paperwork to fill out, no questions asked. View flyer for a complete list of Rx Drop-off Box Police Department locations on Cape Cod.