Local Radio Show Spotlights “Social Hosting”
Sunday 7:00 am on April 10, 2016, 95WXTK’s public affairs program, the Spectrum, raises awareness of the risks of “Social Hosting”. Show host, Doug Verney, facilitated the discussion with Patty Mitrokostas, Director of Prevention, Gosnold on Cape Cod, Eric Parker, Managing Partner of the law firm Parker Sheer LLP in Boston, and Vaira Harik, Senior Project Manager, Barnstable County Deparment of Human Services. ‘Social Host Liability’ is a legal term and area of law that deals with the liability of a person who supplies liquor to a guest. Under social host liability laws, the host shares any liability incurred as a result of actions by an intoxicated guest to whom he or she has served liquor. The risk of harm and legal consequences were discussed in the context of substance use prevention. To learn more, attend the Town of Yarmouth’s “Think Before the Drink” forum Wednesday, April 13, 2016 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.