Department Staff Provides Testimony on Beacon Hill
On behalf of the Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services, Senior Project Manager, Vaira Harik, M.Sc., testified in Boston to the MA Joint Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse’s Special Hearing on House Bill 3898 “Establishing a Commission on Behavioral Health Promotion and Upstream Prevention” on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. The testimony “offered unqualified support” of the bill and presented key elements of the Barnstable County’s Regional Substance Abuse Council “that have a direct bearing on the pervasive problem of behavioral health problems”. In addition to presenting the “Estimated Cost of Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders”, the testimony includes information from the Department’s Baseline Assessment and Action Plan. Read the testimony and Behavioral Health Promotion and Upstream Prevention Legislation HB3898 – Summary and Fact Sheet.