Uncategorized > Coalition Meeting Friday, March 27, 2015
Coalition Meeting Friday, March 27, 2015
Published on: March 17, 2015
Cape & Islands Health Agents Coalition Meeting
Friday, March 27, 2015
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
*Harbor View Conference Room
*(Entrance is to the RIGHT of the main entrance to the Old Jail Building. Look for the white sign!)
Barnstable Superior Courthouse Complex – Old Jail Building
2195 Main Street, Barnstable, MA 02630
- Coffee and Refreshments. Please sign in today.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES from February 27, 2015
Credentialed Education Session:
Soil as a Waste Water Treatment Media
(1.5 TCH SE/SI Credits and 1.5 RS CEUs offered)
George Heufelder BCDHE, Director
- Learn the primary function of soil in the onsite septic system
- Understand the role of bacteria and other organisms in concert with soil
- Chief characteristics of soil, size distribution, hydraulic loading rate, and designing treatment for targeted removal of contaminants
- “Hands-On Lab Section” will use soil sieves and a demonstrative jar test for approximating sand-silt clay and review the Textural Triangle.
Discussion Session:
Barnstable County Ebola Protocols – A Brief Overview
Sean O’Brien, BCDHE
Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee, Coordinator
- This document was a compilation of EMS, Fire, Police, Public Health, MDPH and Local Healthcare input and guidance. It was voted on and approved by the BCREPC on March 4th. Sean will provide a brief overview relative to Public Health.
Coalition Updates:
- BCDHE Contracted Nurses
- C&I HAC Grant and Fiscal – HMEP funding requested for Tick/Lyme Conference registration – Update.
- BCDHE Public Health Nurse – Deidre will discuss the TickLyme Conference planned for April 16th.
- CC Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
News –Announcements- Adjourn