Real Men. Real Depression
Published on: January 27, 2011
The Department of Human Services and the Cape and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition promotes anti-stigma campaign aimed at men and depression.
Research suggests that men are less likely to seek treatment for this serious illness; data also show that men die by suicide at four times the rate of women.
Using an effective national public health campaign created by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to raise awareness that depression is a major public health that affects an estimated 6 million men annually, the Coalition has launched a Cape and Islands public health education campaign from the NIMH – “Real Men. Real Depression.” – which features the real stories of men who live with depression.
Research studies have found that depression affects twice as many women as men. However, research and clinical findings reveal that women and men may talk differently – or in the case of men, not talk – about the symptoms of depression.Men may not recognize their irritability, sleep problems, loss of interest in work or hobbies, and withdrawal as signs of depression. This may result in fewer men recognizing their depression and asking for the help they need.”This campaign is aimed at men. “The hope here is to address men who have depression,” said Beth Albert, Director of Barnstable County Human Services and co-chair of the Cape and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition. “Men who may not even recognize that depression is the problem or that much can be done to help them. The message is that depression is a real, medical illness that can be successfully treated.”Copies of the materials used in the campaign – Real Men. Real Depression Poster and Brochure. |