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6 Things We Need to Do When Going to the Beach this Summer

There are several actions you can take to reduce your risk of getting or spreading the COVID-19 virus when you go to the beach this summer.

Yes, these actions might be an inconvenience – but right now, the actions we take will make a difference in the safety and well-being of our residents and visitors, and will help ensure that our beaches remain open. Please make sure you check these items off your list when planning a day at one of our beaches:


  1. Avoid high tide when less beach is available (find your beach high tide schedule HERE)


  1. Please consider going three hours before or after high tide, This is a GREAT time on Cape beaches!

  1. Bayside beaches have more room at low tide – WAY more room! See beaches listed by Atlantic side, Bayside or on Nantucket/Vineyard Sound HERE.


  1. Remember that 12 feet between beach blanket groups is the safety rule.


  1. Wear your mask while walking the beach or to/from the parking lot.


  1. Refrain from beach sports such as volleyball, soccer, and bocce.


Please note:

Visitors of beaches should expect limited or no trash disposal receptacles. When visiting beaches without trash receptacles, visitors should adhere to a strict “carry in, carry out” policy and take waste with them.  

Due to the varying size and accessibility of beaches across the Cape, residents and visitors are encouraged to check municipal websites and social media channels for specific town-by-town beach information.

Thank you for helping to keep Cape Cod safe.