Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission Issues Statement Against Hate

October 3, 2023 (Barnstable, MA) – At an October 2nd special meeting, the Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission (BCHRAC) voted unanimously to approve a public statement against hate. The statement reads:
The Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission (BCHRAC) is deeply concerned about hateful and intolerant acts in our local area, which negatively affect the health of our community. We must work together to ensure that individual rights and freedoms are publicly protected to re-affirm that Barnstable County should be a safe and welcoming place for all.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration, the foundation for freedom, peace, and justice around the world, reminds us that all human beings are equal in dignity and rights.
We stand against hate and intolerance. We stand against the racist and homophobic graffiti recently sighted in our communities. We stand against the violence outlined in the indictment of a White teenager attempting to drown a Black teenager. We stand against the intolerance and hateful language incited at recent protests against temporary migrant housing. And, in this season of high Jewish holidays, we stand against the growing number of antisemitic incidents in our communities.
Instead, we stand in support of all members of our community and their rights.
The Mission of the BCHRAC is to uphold, promote and protect the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of individuals in Barnstable County.
The BCHRAC welcomes community members to join us as we work together against hate. On October 16th from 5:00-7:00 pm the BCHRAC will host a workshop on de-polarization, helping individuals and communities to find common ground. On December 11th from 8:00-10:00 the BCHRAC will host its annual International Human Rights Day awards ceremony, highlighting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and incredible work being conducted for human rights in our communities.
ABOUT THE BARNSTABLE COUNTY HUMAN RIGHTS ADVISORY COMMISSION: The mission of the Human Rights Advisory Commission is to promote equal opportunity for all persons of Barnstable County regardless of race, color, religious creed, national origin, gender, age, ancestry, sexual or affectional preference marital, family or military status, source of income, neighborhood or disability, where unlawful discrimination exists in housing, employment, education, public accommodations, town or county services, insurance, banking, credit, and health care. Learn more at https://www.capecod.gov/departments/human-rights-advisory-commission/
ABOUT BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF CAPE COD: Barnstable County provides exemplary government functions and services to keep our community healthy and safe, promote sustainable growth, and offer a proactive, open government that enhances the quality of life for the citizens of Barnstable County. Learn more at https://www.capecod.gov/