image of barnstable county courthouse

Barnstable County Commissioners Meeting at 9:00 AM | November 24, 2021

Barnstable County Commissioners Meeting on November 24, 2021 

Every other week, the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners holds a regular meeting to discuss important issues that impact our region.  We invite residents to participate in a public meeting or watch the live streams on our YouTube channel.


1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Moment of Silence
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of Minutes

a. Regular Meeting of November 10, 2021

6. General Business

a. Arts Foundation of Cape Cod to Receive $150,000 American Rescue Plan Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts
b. Appointment of Bob Lawton as Interim Finance Director and County Treasurer.
c. Discussion of the disbursement process for Barnstable County’s American Rescue Plan Act funds.
d. Update on the Barnstable County Dredge operations

Note: For all items under General Business, the Board may take official action including votes

7. New Business – Other business not reasonably anticipated by the Chair.
8. Commissioners’ Actions

a) Authorizing to award IFB #7954 – Shellfish Seed Suppliers and execute a contract with Aquacultural Research Center (ARC) for a term commencing upon contract execution to June 30, 2022 for a not to exceed amount of
b) Authorize the acceptance of funding from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, designated as the FY22 legislative earmark, in the amount of $140,000.00, awarded to Children’s Cove to be used, in part, for staff positions that provide services to children and families who are victims of child abuse and/or domestic violence.
c) Authorizing an agreement to provide IT onsite support services to the town of Harwich, estimated at 85 hours per month billed at $95.00 per hour for a monthly total of $8075.00, from the date of contract execution to June 30, 2022.
d) Authorizing to increase contract # 230-21-7917 to ACV Environmental Services, Inc. for the County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events from$395,000 to $435,000.
e) Authorizing a $2,570.92 budget amendment letter to the MA Department of Environmental Protection, for the Health and Environment Department’s 319 grant, titled “Reducing Phosphorus Impacts from Septic Systems Near Freshwater Lakes and Ponds-Defining Best Management Practices”, to request the balance of unused construction grant funding be used for additional sampling supplies and equipment purchases for the project.
f) Authorizing the discharge of a mortgage by Ivaylo Dimchev Nankov to Barnstable County, dated October 2, 2013, and recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 27733, Page 18.
g) Authorizing a Use of Grounds request by the Barnstable Village Association to place their annual Christmas tree on the front lawn of the Barnstable County Courthouse, and to hold a host a tree lighting ceremony the evening of December 1, 2021 during their annual winter stroll.
h) Authorizing the execution of Certificates for Dissolving Septic Betterments.

9. Commissioners’ Reports
10. Upcoming Business – Review of items for future Board meetings
11. County Administrator and Staff Reports
12. Adjournment

How You Can Participate

Do you want to participate in this meeting?

MEETING LINK: MEETING LINK: Microsoft Teams meeting – Join on your computer or mobile app
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CALL IN NUMBER: (audio only) +1 781-469-0191,,426270340# Phone Conference ID: 426 270 340#

Watch this Meeting on YouTube

County Commissioners, Assembly of Delegates, and Cape Cod Commission Meetings are open to the public and are streamed live. WATCH LIVE or PRE-RECORDED MEETINGS HERE

Reasonable Accommodations Are Available

Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact Justyna Marczak, Barnstable County ADA Coordinator at, or call 508-375-6646 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.


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