Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative presents Net Zero 2021 | Powering Change at the Grassroots Level: Our Roadmap to a Clean Energy Future
The Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative’s “Net Zero 2021 | Powering Change at the Grassroots Level: Our Roadmap to a Clean Energy Future” is set for Friday, October 29, from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. This is the Climate Collaborative’s fourth annual and second virtual conference.
The NZ‐21 conference will focus on Massachusetts’ groundbreaking new state climate law — “An Act Creating a Next Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy” — which represents the most significant update to climate policy in the Commonwealth since the landmark Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008.
The virtual event convenes federal, state, regional, and local leaders, businesses, policy makers, scientists, clean energy providers, and advocates to discuss exciting new federal, state, and regional legislation and initiatives, and offer a roadmap for communities, organizations, and individuals to undertake actions to advance the journey to net zero for the Cape & Islands region and beyond.
Read details, see the agenda and activities for the day and register: https://netzero21.vfairs.com/
ABOUT THE CAPE COD CLIMATE CHANGE COLLABORATIVE: The Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative is a consortium of environmental, energy, government, business, education, faith community, and activist organizations whose mission is to help the Cape & Islands reach carbon neutrality or “net zero” by enhancing communication, collaboration, and action among entities committed to mitigating the climate crisis. To learn more about the organization, please visit www.capecodclimate.org.
ABOUT THE CAPE COD COMMISSION: The Cape Cod Commission is the regional land use, planning, economic development, and regulatory agency for Barnstable County, Massachusetts. It was created in 1990 to serve the citizens and 15 towns that comprise Cape Cod. The Commission works toward maintaining a healthy balance between economic progress and environmental vitality. “Keeping a Special Place Special” describes the agency’s mission to protect the region’s unique qualities. The 19-member volunteer Cape Cod Commission board represents a wide spectrum of the community and provides oversight for a staff of 40 professionals. For more information, visit www.capecodcommission.org