Duffy Health Center Highlights Moms Do Care and MAT Programs
On April 27, 2017, Heidi Nelson, CEO of Duffy Health Center, highlighted Cape Cod Health Care’s Moms Do Care program and Duffy’s Medicated-Assisted Program (MAT) on the cable access TV show “Duffy Doings”.
CCHC’s Moms Do Care
A program for pregnant women with Opioid Use Disorders who are from Cape Cod. Moms Do Care uses an integrated system of medical and behavioral health care including access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and recovery support throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period through the use of peer recovery coaches. Moms Do Care is a free program in which the staff includes people with lived experience who are in recovery and people who have been specially trained to work with women who have substance use issues. Criteria for enrollment: Pregnant women, over the age of 18, with an Opioid Use Disorder; Willingness to start Medication Assisted Treatment ( i.e. methadone or buprenorphine) OR already on Medication Assisted Treatment; Living in Barnstable County
For more information, click Moms Do Care flyer and brochure or contact Deborah Heavilin, MDC Care Manager, at 508-280-6597 or dheavilin@gandaracenter.org
Duffy’s Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program
MAT Program provides medical treatment, nursing management, and concurrent behavioral health services and includes medical and medication management, group therapy, and close regular medical monitoring and nursing counseling.
Download a PDF about the MAT Program.
Call (508) 771–9599 for a behavioral health appointment.
To view the 30-minute show, click on this link and search “Duffy Doings”: http://capemedia.org/todays-schedule/
Duffy Health Center and Cape Cod Health Care are members of the Barnstable County Regional Substance Use Council (RSAC). RSAC links towns, providers, organizations, and individuals on Cape Cod to identify and address regional gaps and disparities in the service provider system, and to maximize inter-agency collaboration, funding, and resource opportunities. RSAC facilitates a regional approach to substance use across the continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery.