Barnstable County Employee Named to Federal Committee
BARNSTABLE (MA) November 15, 2016 – A senior environmental specialist at the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment has been named to a Federal advisory committee.
On November 15, 2016, Marina Brock will join 14 others on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Government Advisory Committee. The committee’s role is to provide advice to the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environment-related strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory and economic issues. Brock will be representing the interests of the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment (BCDHE).
BCDHE Interim Director Sean O’Brien said, “It is only fitting that Marina’s dedication to the health and safety of the people of Barnstable County has been recognized with the distinction of serving on a Federal advisory committee. We are very proud of her and wish her the best in fulfilling her mission.”
Brock’s goal for her two-year tenure on the committee is to “bridge the gap between local, state, and Federal governments.” Environmental problems are severe, she said. “I would love to see better utilization of existing resources for the benefit of the people.”
Barnstable County Administrator Jack T. Yunits said, “The citizens of Barnstable County should be aware that the County has employees like Marina who are dedicated to the protection of their safety and the environment. Marina epitomizes the spirit of public service possessed by all County employees.”
With the BCDHE since 1987, Brock specializes in public and environmental health, emergency management and preparedness and OSHA programs for the public and private sectors. Before joining Barnstable County, Brock served in the health departments of Brewster, Chatham, and Dennis.
Brock’s professional focus is on pollution prevention, toxic use reduction and best management practices. She delivers training programs on those topics, coordinates regional initiatives and provides statewide mentoring. With two masters degrees—one in Hydrogeology and Geochemistry and the other in Public Administration—Brock is also an adjunct professor in the Emergency Management program at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.
Brock was recommended for the committee in the spring of 2016 by the EPA Region 1 office in Boston, with whom she has collaborated for 25 years. She was also nominated by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy who became familiar with Brock’s work when McCarthy was employed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.