RSAC Action Plan: Year One Progress Report Available
At its August 4th, 2016 meeting, the Regional Substance Abuse Council (RSAC) was updated by Vaira Harik, Senior Project Manager of the Department of Human Services, on progress in year 1 of the RSAC Action Plan. A summary of her remarks is presented in the RSAC Action Plan Progress YR 1 8-4-2016 The Progress Report builds upon the RSAC Baseline Assessment and the RSAC Action Plan of 2015.
Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council (RSAC) establishes a communication infrastructure across towns, providers, organizations, and individuals on Cape Cod to identify and address regional gaps and disparities in the substance use service provider system, maximize inter-agency collaboration and maximize funding and resource opportunities. RSAC strives for a coordinated and comprehensive regional approach to substance use across the continuum of prevention, treatment, intervention, and recovery.